The Gluten Free
Christmas Extravaganza was a massive success. We had the open house on
Christmas Eve. Everything on the table was gluten free. On the menu was;
meatballs, pasta salad, broccoli salad, deviled eggs, veggie platter with dip,
cheese platter and the chocolate fountain. The baking included; shortbread,
banana bread, almond bark, crispy rice yummies and ginger cookies. For
Christmas dinner we had of course the poultry, mash pots, sugar carrots, green
beans almandine, stuffing and buns. For dessert we had chocolate pie.
Christmas Eve Food Table
The work
started several days before. I made the baking early and spent every moment I
could threatening my husband’s life so he would stop eating them Who has a
ginger cookie for breakfast? I made the meatballs a couple days before too. On
the 23rd I prepped all the platters, made the broccoli salad, the
stuffing, the pie and the now infamous buns. I was most concerned about the pie
at the time. I had used the Gluten Free Pantry pie crust mix. I have used it
before with great success but for some reason this time it would not come
together well and wasn’t behaving. It took Trev and I both to wrangle it into
the pie pan. I baked it and became even more concerned when it came out of the
oven. Part of the edges came apart immediately and shattered upon the floor. More came off when I started to giggle about
Pie crust falling apart
I was fully prepared to toss it and try something else but Trev talked me
into keeping it. I made the filling, said a prayer and tossed it in the fridge.
Much to my surprise, it turned out very
well. The parts of the crust that were missing weren’t noticeable and the
filling was great.
I was also
very concerned about the stuffing. I used a mixture of the Gluten Free Girl
recipe and Udi’s. I worried for nothing though because I have to say that it
was one of the best stuffing’s I have ever had. It was moist and held together
well and had great flavors.
Toasting the Udi's Bread for the Stuffing
Fat Tom the Turkey was great and the veggies were
good too. I used Maxwell’s Kitchen gravy mix and just added some drippings to
it- couldn’t tell the difference. The thing that I was LEAST worried about was
the buns. Number one, they are a minor part of the meal. Even though I used to
LOVE those soft scissor buns, so gooey and wonderful, covered butter and dipped
in gravy. Like an inmate who forgets what the sun feels like, the bread factor
is diminishing to a faint glimmer in my mind. I also wasn’t concerned about the
buns because I had a secret weapon - Gluten Free Bisquick.
The Buns BEFORE they went in the oven. I had fully expected this to be a bragging shot rather than an impeding doom shot.
It’s wonderful, it’s
delicious and it’s not available in Canada. I got this particular contraband
from my friend Ashley who travelled to the states and came home with bags of
Gluten Free goodness for me. There are
things in a regular Montana grocery store that aren’t’ obtainable at our most
specialized health food stores. Getting these treats across the border turns me
into a hoarder of the worst kind. I squirrel away the smuggled goods until I
find an event of magnificent proportions that is worthy of it. I had exactly
two cups of the precious powder left and was waiting to use them for the Baby
Jesus’ Birthday.
When I
baked the buns, they looked great. I
could only make 12 of them so I didn’t taste them when they came out of the
oven and of course, we all know that I should have. When dinner came along, I
pulled them out, heated them a little and popped them on the table. I was first
to taste the buns and within the first second, I stood to try to sneak them off
the table. No such luck.. Trev grabbed one and tried to take a bite. Then he directly
challenged my brother to try to take a bite and chaos ensued. Have you ever
seen or tried the Cinnamon Challenge? When some fool on You Tube tries to eat a
tablespoon of Cinnamon? Google it, then you will get an idea as to what
happened at my Christmas dinner. I would have been mad if it wasn’t so funny. They
weren’t just dry, they were like powder that was being held together with white
glue. The one bite I had completely shattered in my mouth and then glommed itself
to the top of my mouth It was a good
twelve minutes before either one could talk again. There they were, tears streaming down their
faces, not breathing except for short gasps, little puffs of crumbs exploding from
their mouths as they sniffed and chocked it down. My brother is trying to yell,
“It’s like sand! Like sand! How? How did this happen to bread?” But you could
barely understand what he was saying. The kids of course thought this was the
best thing ever and were jumping up and down with glee watching daddy and uncle
battle it out. We perfomed science experiments with the buns after dinner. We used colored water to prove that they really did suck all the moisture out of your mouth.

The beginning of the experiment.
Ten Seconds Later...... this is what the buns did to the inside of your mouth
My brother took the rest of them for his six grade class to perform more experiments on. I didn't want to know the details. The bun incident will go down as one of the funnier moments in the history of
Christmas. So at the end of the day, my brother did laugh so hard that he fell
off his chair but I still consider The GF Extravaganza a success.
I have been
focusing a lot on the food but it’s not really about that. None if it ever is. We
make a lot of stuff about food, too much. On Christmas Eve we had about fifty
friends and family move through our home spreading love and joy. I cuddled
babies and hugged toddlers, laughed with my dearest pals and celebrated a
friend’s engagement. Yesterday, Santa
came, ate my gluten free cookies and left some sled marks on the lawn in the
snow for the monkeys to find. He’s a genius that Santa. Then we sat around in
our pajamas, went skating, went sledding, played an epic game of trouble and
laughed a whole lot. The food is the background, the sideliner and should
always be that way. Christmas certainly was an Extravaganza but not because of
the food…..because of the people I surround myself with.
I will add
the recipes to the side bar of the blog. Enjoy.